Ceramide Physiological
The Physiological Function and Application of the Plant Ceramide
Rice Bran Ceramide
The synthetic and animal ceramide have been mainly used as materials of cosmetic. Recently, it is discovered that Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease may be contracted from eating or using contaminated animal products, especially that of cattle. Therefore, much attention has given to the plant ceramide, an some products have been incorporated into cosmetics and food preparation.
Oryza Ceramide derived from rice bran suitable to be used as cosmetics and functional food supplement.
Whitening Effect of Ceramide
Oryza Ceramide is similar to other ceramides, possess various physiological functions. In this study, the effect of ceramide on melanogenesis was examined using cultured B16 melanoma cell in vitro. The result illustrated that ceramide is more potent than ascorbic acid, arbutin, and ellagic acid except kojic acid.

Moisturizing Effects of Ceramide

The moisturizing effect of ceramide was established by several clinical studies. In these report, it was reported that ceramides were absorbed in the intestine, and circulated into the stratum corneum, in where it exerts sits in improving barrier and moisturizing function. In addition, the moisturizing effects of ceramide was examined in vitro.
The moisturizing effects of Oryza Ceramide was compared with other commercially available ceramides in the market.
Moisturizing ratio of various ceramide were compared as illustrated. Ceramide demonstrated superior moisturizing effect with moisturizing ratio of 35%.
Improvement of Barrier Function
The ceramides are located in the stratum corneum of skin and play important roles for maintaining barrier function, and protecting the skin against various foreign damages. Study by Imokawa et al. confirmed that the symptoms of atopic dry skin was improved by topical application of the ceramides . Meanwhile, Lati et al. reported that plant ceramides is beneficial in as anti-allergic, antioxidant by inhibiting free effect and inhibition of elastase, collagenase and tyrosinase. Hence, ceramide is suitable to be used for preventing against aging and rejuvenate stressed skin.
Skin Beautifying Effect
This clinical investigation was conducted in OSAKA City University using Oryza ceramide. The detail results are described in clinical investigation of skin beautifying effect of a beauty supplement containing rice-derived ceramide.
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