Symptoms Of Bags Under Eye
-The cause and Symptoms of Bags under Eyes
Capillary Fragility
The eyelid is crossed by a fine, dense network of arterial and venous capillaries. Following successive irritations and transient disequilibria such as tiredness, hypertension or intake of certain drugs, together with the effects of age, the vessel walls become fragile and plasma fluid leaks from the vascular bed resulting in interstitial fluid accumulation: edema or bags under the eyes come into being.

The fragility of the capillary loops results in increased permeability of the walls, which allow excessively leakage of water and proteins.
The diagram above shoes that decreasing capillary permeability to prevent extravasations is a key factor in countering the emergence of suborbital bags.
Lymphatic Drainage
The accumulation of interstitial fluids, which are not eliminated by the lymphatic system, results in local overload and distension of the skin; a bag is formed, swollen with water, protein and various ions.
The lymphatic drainage of the eyelids, like that of the other tissues, is ensured by a specific network of small, superficial sinuses close to the cutaneous capillaries which merge to form lymph canals, then lymph vessels in the inferior hypodermis.

Mechanically pulsed by neighboring muscular fibers towards the superficial sinuses, the interstitial fluid flows are subsequently collected by the lymphatic network and transported by the pulsatile action of lymphangions, a sort of specific contraction module in the lymph canals (the lymph flow rate is 6mm/s).
This particular system is responsible for lymphatic drainage in the body as a whole, with daily recycling of 20 to 50% of blood plasma and a flow rate of about 2 L/24h. Defective drainage greatly contributes to the formation of bags under the eyes.
Lymphatic Drainage
The constant use of the eyelids and the fineness of their epithelium fairly rapidly result in tissue sagging with weakening of the supporting structure around the microvessels and increases in detailed areas that retain edema.
An inflammatory component generally accompanies infiltration of the tissues and acts as an exacerbating factor or edema. This component must not been neglected. We are aware that aging is generally accompanied by an increase in certain pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL6 due to decreased control excreted by hormone DHEA. Cytokines are also activated daily by UV radiation and the pro-inflammatory effect is additional to that of aging.
The combination of those three factors is above all responsible for the phenomenon bags and rings under eyes.